PPCU libraries

The traditional document collection of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPCU) consists of the collections of the standalone libraries of the different faculties. Orientation in the book collection is made possible by the HUNTÉKA (Qulto) integrated library system administered by each faculty. The scope of library collections comprise a great variety of scholarly literature and source materials of the disciplines of the various faculties. Unique collections are made available for study and research nationally, regionally, and in some cases, even globally. Consciously and systematically, PPCU strives to develop its library collections which serve both high-quality education and outstanding research activities at the same time.

Online resources

Since 2018, an online repository of theses that were successfully defended at the different faculties is currently being built. Online consulting of these theses is currently possible via the Neptun education platform.

The university also stores dissertations defended by the students of PPCU doctoral schools in the MTA Real-PhD repository for long-term preservation and easy access. Institutional scientific publications’ data is administered by the faculty libraries in the MTMT database (i.e. the Hungarian Science Bibliography).

Faculty members and students of the university can also use a number of online databases subscribed by the libraries via remote access, regardless of location.


Library of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

A fundamental task of the PPCU H&SS Library is to support the teaching and scientific research activity of the faculty, assist students with their studies by providing quality literature, resources and information, skills development opportunities, and diverse resources and tools provided by library services.

Collections available to readers:

1) BUDAPEST, 1 Mikszáth Kálmán Sq., Sophianum building, Cellar

Circulation desk for students and staff

2) ESZTERGOM, 1-3 Majer István St.

Pedagogical literature and a collection supporting teacher and kindergarten teacher training.

Notable thematic collections available (with limited access) at the different institutes include: archaeology, Armenian studies, international studies, political sciences, and sinology collections.

Most of the entire book collection is temporarily unavailable. By the end of 2021, most of the library’s books had been moved from Piliscsaba to an external storage facility from which service is currently temporarily suspended. We are currently in the process of making items of these two external storages available to users. For more details please check the H&SS Library website.

Catalogue: https://catalogus.btk.ppke.hu/ 

Email: konyvtar "at" btk.ppke.hu

Web: https://btk.ppke.hu/en/library


Library of the Faculty of Theology

Our library is the most significant theological library in Hungary, the base of scientific research in the field of theology. Our goal is to stay ahead of our readers’ professional needs by continuously developing our staff and our services.

We collect and explore the scholarly literature of the theological fields in various languages striving for completeness in this field, including a high quality selection of literature of bordering scientific fields.

Our services

  • reference information service,
  • on-site use of the reading room,
  • interlibrary loan,
  • copying library materials on one's own pen drive while considering collection protection criteria and copyright restrictions,
  • internet access through library computers,
  • Wi-Fi,
  • QR code based free access to the content of numerous periodicals,
  • web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) service provided by the HUNTÉKA integrated library system (English language keyword search is also available),
  • numerous Hungarian and foreign databases.


Opening hours:

Monday, Thursday: 12:00am to 5:00pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00am to 3:00pm


Dr. Máté Gárdonyi, professor


Ágnes Sütöri, librarian

sutori.agnes "at" htk.ppke.hu

Gyuláné Pávó, librarian

pavo.gyulane "at" htk.ppke.hu

Address: 1053 Budapest, 24 Veres Pálné St.

Phone: (+36-1) 484-3053, (+36-1) 484-3054

Web: https://www.htk.ppke.hu/index.php/konyvtar 

Catalogue: https://catalogus.htk.ppke.hu/ 


Library of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

The PPCU L&PS Library is a public higher education library. Its fundamental task is to provide scholarly literature that meets the needs of education, scientific research, and continuing education activities of the faculty.

The collection can be used in the reading rooms of the library, faculty members and staff can also borrow items.

Opening hours are adjusted to the teaching schedule of the faculty: https://jak.ppke.hu/nyitvatartas

Address: 1088 Budapest, 28-30 Szentkirályi St.

Phone: (+36-1) 4297-231

Email: konyvtar "at" jak.ppke.hu

Web: https://jak.ppke.hu/konyvtar

Catalogue: https://catalogus.jak.ppke.hu/

Legal reference service: https://jak.ppke.hu/kolcsonozzon-ki-egy-konyvtarost  


Library of the Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics

As a non-public higher education library, its fundamental task is to provide specialised literature that meets teaching and scientific research needs of the faculty.

The library collection can be used in the reading room, faculty members and students can also borrow items.

In addition to the above mentioned ones, our services include scanning and the use of a brain model on-site, as well.

Opening Hours:

Monday: 08:00–16:30
Tuesday: 08:00–16:30
Wednesday: 08:00–16:30
Thursday: 08:00–16:30
Friday: 08:00–14:00

Address: 1083 Budapest, 50/a Práter St.

Phone: (+36-1) 886-4735

Email: bibliotheca "at" itk.ppke.hu

Web: https://itk.ppke.hu/en/library

Catalogue: https://catalogus.itk.ppke.hu/search